Monday, September 25, 2017

Mighty Men

Bishop Metui Pauni & Bishop Mite Ahau at Ward Camp 2013
Yesterday, 9/24/17, I was unusually early to church. I normally don't arrive too early unless I have a meeting, but for some reason I was up early and dressed for church. I arrived about 20minutes early and sat in my car listening to my primary CD while waiting for a few more cars to arrive. As they did, I exited my car and entered the chapel doors. 

I saw a few people, said hello and rushed to the clerks office to grab a reimbursement form so that I could submit some receipts I had been holding on to for the last few weeks following a YW activity. While standing by the clerk's office, I noticed there were quite a few leaders from our stake (Hurst Texas Stake) present. I shook hands with several of the brethren including the counselors in our Stake Presidency before I made my way into the chapel. When I sat down, I texted my family who hadn't arrived at church yet and told them, "There are a lot of Stake leaders here, I think something is going to happen."

As our Sacrament meeting began, I was already overwhelmed by the Spirit. I was trying not to cry, but then the ward started singing the Sacrament hymn and I lost it. I couldn't control my tears as they sang hymn #96, Fakaofa Kiate Au. Those lyrics always get me and picturing the Savior on the cross made me feel an immense amount of gratitude for all that I have been given in this life. The meeting continued and as Bishop Ahau stood to turn the time over to our Stake President, President Growald, I began to get nervous. President Growald shared a few words and read from the Book of Mormon. In Alma 48:11, it reads, "And Moroni was a strong and mighty man; he was a man of perfect understanding..." President Growald likened this scripture to Bishop Ahau. He shared how great a man Bishop Ahau is (which I too testify) and how long he has been serving our ward (5 1/2 years). He then told us, "But even great men cannot serve forever." Then proceeded to announce that Bishop Ahau and his counselors were going to be released and a new Bishopric was going to be called. My heart immediately dropped and I began to weep. For the last 3 1/2 years, I have served in various callings under Bishop Ahau and I was sad to lose his leadership.

Bishop Ahau and his wife, Nala, have been amazing to our family. They have never hesitated to help in any way possible and I am forever grateful for their generosity, unconditional love and selfless service. One of the things I love most about Bishop Ahau is his compassionate and sincere love for everyone he encounters. He has taught me, on more than one occasion (by example), to listen before speaking and allowing the Spirit to guide in word and action. I have learned patience, sincere love and empathy while working alongside these two. Bishop Ahau also presided over my mom's funeral services and I will never forget all that he did for us. Even though I am a little sad that they have been released as the parents of our ward, I am excited to see them travel more and to spend time with their family. Thank you Ahau's for dedicating your time, love and energy to strengthening our ward, especially little 'ol me. I love you guys so much!!!

It's always a little nerve-wrecking when waiting to see who is next in line for any significant role. As we waited to hear who was going to replace Bishop Ahau, I sat quietly praying for whoever it was and that I would be prepared to sustain and support whoever the Lord would call to serve our ward. As President Growald read Bishop Metui Pauni's name, I was comforted in knowing that He was indeed the right person to lead. I always love seeing Bishop Pauni and his wife, Kakala. They are both spiritual giants and Bishop Pauni was actually one of the first missionaries that introduced my mom to the gospel in San Francisco. Although my mom didn't get baptized until she moved to Texas in the late 1980's, he helped to plant that seed. I have always admired his faith and diligence in living the gospel by example. Kakala has so many hidden talents. She is always positive, cheerful and loving; never judges anyone and always helps me to see the good in everyone/thing. I have no doubt that Bishop & Sister Pauni are going to do great things for everyone in our ward!

Called to serve alongside Bishop Pauni are Brother Lui Sanft and Brother Afi Fonua. I know that they are valiant priesthood holders who love their wives and children and who will continue to help strengthen our ward in ways that only they can do. I am excited for these brethren, their families and our ward family! God lives and His gospel is on the earth today. These men have been called of God to be the new leaders in the Euless 2nd Ward and I sustain them, support them and look forward to working with them to build the Lord's kingdom in our community!

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Answered Prayers

Mom and I posing for a quick pic after our
ward temple session on February 14, 2015.
I am totally, behind on blogging, but today was one of those days where I was reminded how much Heavenly Father loves me and how blessed I am! Therefore, I know I couldn't close my eyes tonight before documenting today's blessings.

Let me start by notifying any of my blog followers (if any...LoL) who weren't already aware, but I lost my mom about 4 months ago. It has been a little difficult adjusting to life without her jokes, teachings, cooking, selfless service and lectures! Earlier this week, I was up until nearly 4 a.m. just watching videos to hear her voice and clips from her funeral because I missed her so much. That same night, I kept getting the feeling that I needed to go to the temple. My plans to go the following morning fell through and I was a little sad, but determined to still make it out this week.

Crystal Vake and I at the Dallas Texas Temple
on September 13, 2017.
I feel like the Spirit has really been talking to me lately and I've been doing my best not to ignore any promptings, but I'm human and fall short a lot. Last night, I felt inspired to ask this old friend of mine if she'd be willing and thankfully, she said, "YES!" Just over a year ago, Crystal and her family moved away and we hadn't kept in touch so I was afraid it was going to be awkward, but the Lord works in mysterious ways and I knew this was His way of bringing us back together. It was as if time hadn't passed. We caught the 11 a.m. session at the Dallas Texas Temple and during the session, I witnessed so many of God's tender mercies. I had so many memories of attending the temple with my mom and smiled at my memory of our last session we attended together this past Spring. I had no doubt that my mom was there with me in spirit and even felt strengthened to be strong and be the daughter I know I need to be in order to see her again in the next life. Crystal and I shared several laughs and stories to and from the temple and I'm grateful to have heeded the promptings of the Spirit to ask her to go with me.

Amidst missing mom, being unemployed and not seeing any progress in my life in the last several months, I grabbed a set of scriptures while in the Celestial room today and this was the first verse I read. Talk about an answer to my prayers. Heavenly Father really knows how to step in and remind you that He knows you and loves you. I'm not completely sure which aspect in my life this scripture is referencing, but I know that in due time, the Lord will show me exactly what He meant. More to come on this ;)

Alex Anthony's CG class at 4:45p
was hard but awesome today!
Most people who know me, know that my desire to participate in any physical activity or exercise routine pretty much died with my collegiate volleyball career in 2007. Haha. 10-years later and this girl finally decided to stop being lazy and make some progress in her life. Last week, I started Camp Gladiator (CG) and am trying my best to be consistent. Today, I got to go with both my sisters, Ella and Delilah.  =] This was my 4th workout with our trainer in front of Ella, Alex Anthony, and I absolutely love her classes. They're convenient and I love the variety she gives us each class. This was my 2nd camp with Nona who is such a positive cheerleader through the workouts. I really enjoy CG because there is a wide range of class times and locations that fit well with pretty much anyones schedule. I really hope and pray that I can continue to be consistent and help myself to get back to a healthier lifestyle. I'm too young to have all my joints popping or cramping. LoL.

The last thing that I want to document is my progress with our Stake Presidency's challenge to complete the Book of Mormon from cover to cover by our Stake Conference on October 22nd. I started reading while in Europe on July 24th and am grateful to be on target to finish on time. This is the furthest I've got with my BOM reading since high school (HS). I'm ashamed to say that, but it's true! My focus has definitely been wack if it's taken me this long to read the BOM since graduating HS. I have already felt my testimony grow from my daily readings, and know that I need to go back to the basics if I want to continue to have the Spirit guide me in all of my decisions. Losing my mom has definitely helped me to stay focused and to live up to her legacy. She was such a valiant woman! I seriously can only hope to be at least half the woman she was in this life. I'm grateful for this Circle-BOM app that helps me stay on track. As long as I read my 3 chapters a day, I'll finish the stake challenge on time! :)

Let me end by sharing my testimony that God lives, we are His children and He loves us!!! I am grateful for the restored gospel of Jesus Christ which guides my life. I am not perfect, but I am the daughter of a perfect God who sent His only Begotten Son down to Earth to atone for us. When we fall short, He's made it possible for us to stand back up and try again. The temple is truly the House of the Lord! I am grateful for a loving mother who was humble enough to accept the gospel into her life and courageous enough to learn it and raise her children in the gospel then strengthen her husband in the following years. Mom, you are an amazing woman and I know you're sharing the gospel on the other side. I hope you're finding time to rest there too after all the work you did here. Thank you for sending your spirit to be with me today in the temple and for reminding me of all the great times we shared together. I miss and love you more than words could ever explain! XoXo

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Saimone Tavo

On February 1st, Lila and Jr left our home bright and early for the hospital to deliver their 3rd child. Everything was pretty routine during the delivery process & they welcomed another son, Saimone Tavo, into this crazy world at 7:44a weighing in at 6lbs 14oz and measuring 20.5in long.
In a matter of seconds after delivering Saimone, nurses were rushing to work on him and he was wheeled off to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Turns out, he was having some trouble breathing and needed some extra attention. 😢The initial prognosis indicated that Saimone would be in the NICU for 3-4weeks, however, he was released to go home on the 6th. 
Saimone was originally scheduled to be delivered on February 6th so I don't think it's a coincidence that that's the same day we took him home from the hospital. 

He is the spitting image 😏

He is the spitting image of his big brother. He's a bit of a cry baby and very needy but he is perfect and growing each week. Welcome to this crazy world Saimone!!!