Friday, November 27, 2015

Ha'ato'a Alusa Tavo

Once again, I've failed. My sister delivered her first born son on April 6, 2015 and 7months later, I'm just now getting around to documenting this amazing event. (sorry nephew!)

Ha'ato'a Alusa Tavo came in at a whopping 8lbs 2oz and 20in long.

He is such a beautiful baby and started crawling at 6months =] He loves his big sister and is such a mama's boy. We look forward to watching this young boy grow. Love you, nephew!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Have you done any good in your life?

This last week has been especially trying. My thoughts have been EVERYWHERE. Sometimes, when I sit in traffic on my way home, I imagine a car crash or some type of accident that suddenly takes my life (not to seem suicidal). How would people react? I'm sure there would be a handful who would jump for glee, but I would hope that the majority of people would feel sorrow and a true loss. That may have come out wrong, but I'm too lazy to backspace so let me try to explain.

I came across a quote someone posted on one of the social network outlets that said, "Live in such a way that if anyone spoke badly of you, no one would believe it."

I am a woman of many imperfections and flaws, but I truly wake up each day trying to make a positive difference. So I ask myself, "have you done any good in your life?" 

In the last 4 weeks, I've made 3 trips:

1st trip - I traveled to New Mexico for my friend Paige's daughters blessing. Paige lost her sight last year and it was really important for me to make the trip. I wanted her to know that through her trials, she had me by her side, no matter the distance. We've been friends since we were 12 years old and I hate to see her with this added challenge during her first year of motherhood. She is such a strong individual though and is such an inspiration to me with her faith and love of the gospel and for God despite her trials.

2nd trip -  I traveled to Las Vegas with my mom for Ella's sisters wedding. The standby game is no joke and I really was ready to give up, but I'm so grateful my mom was so valiant. I really do take her for granted sometimes, but I'm so glad she never fails to teach me by example. :) We made it out for the wedding and was there less than 24hours, but it was totally worth it to show our support to Ella and her family. I don't know how we got so lucky with an awesome SIL. =)

3rd trip - I traveled to Los Angeles with Lile. Our cousin Sia was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma last month and started chemotherapy this week. We certainly didn't have a cure to take with us for Sia, but we had our time and that seemed more important that we appear in person to show our support. I'm so glad we made it because I know it meant a lot to Auntie Talia, Uncle Eliki and our sisters we got to spend a couple of night with laughing and making memories.

I mentioned all of these trips not to boast of my new found flight benefits (thank you Sione Filipe!!!), but to demonstrate the main way I try to do good in my life. I'm totally poor (my negative checking account will vouch for that) and am not the least bit crafty, but I hope that most people who know me, know that if i can give my time...i will certainly do so. I've always been a believer that your time, helping hands and listening ears are worth way more than any amount of money (not that money doesn't come in handy).

Lately, I've felt like so many have focused on my shortcomings or downfalls (that could just be paranoia), but I'll be 29 this year and I pray that if Heavenly Father called me home this year (or whenever He does), that people would remember the good I've tried to accomplish or give during my time on Earth. 

So until the time comes for me to leave this mortal realm, I'll continue to do the good I know:
-I'll honor my covenants and love the Lord
-I'll love my family unconditionally
-I'll give my time to those who need
-I'll learn from my mistakes and do better
-I'll do my best to be what HF wants me to be

I could probably give more details about each, but I think that pretty much sums it up. So if you stumble across this small rant and want to help me be better at doing good, don't hesitate to let me know. :) 

Ofa Atu!