Thursday, November 28, 2013

30 Days of Gratitude

"Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto Him with psalms." - Psalms 95:2
I didn't participate in the daily posts of the 30 days of gratitude that some of my family and friends posted on social networks only because I know that I wouldn't keep up with all of the posts. So instead, I found it a great opportunity to blog a little since it's been a while. There are certainly more than 30 things which I am indebted to the Lord and am grateful for, but for sake of time and effort, I'll try to keep it simple and add some visual entertainment.
1. I am grateful for a merciful and loving Heavenly Father who continues to bless me each day with life and an opportunity to better myself.
2. I am grateful for Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice. I mess up daily, but because of Him, I can be forgiven and try again.
3. I am grateful for Holy Temples which allow me to grow and learn about God's eternal plan, to serve those who can't help themselves and most importantly, where I can escape the outside world to feel His presence and receive direction for my own personal life.
4. I am grateful for eternal families. There's no greater feeling than to know that when I lose a loved one in this life, the Lord has made a way for me to be reunited with them in the after life for ALL TIME & ETERNITY. Death is not the end, but the doorway to the next step! :)
5. I am grateful for a humble and wise father. I have never been a daddy's girl (and I'm ok with that), but there are so many times when I condemn myself for not fully appreciating the priesthood holder in my home. He is giving, loving and most importantly a God-fearing man who has been such a blessing in my life.
6. I am grateful for my crazy mother who has trained me to be just like her! haha. There is no denying that and I am learning to embrace that concept daily. She is loud and hohaa, but she is one of the most giving persons I know who always gives 110% of her talents and time. I hope I will live up to those traits as I grow older!
7. I am grateful for my sister; Every girl should have a sister! I am grateful for a sister who is my total opposite. Together, we are a complete package. We've always been close and I have no doubt that our kids will be just as close (one day).
8. I'm grateful for my niece who in just a matter of 2 months has softened my heart and consumed my thoughts. She is a perfect little being who is by all means spoiled (especially by her papa), but I wouldn't trade her for the world.
9. I am grateful for my brothers. They are huge, annoying (most of the time), hilarious and awesome all in one. They are wonderful people outside and in and I am fortunate that they've put up with me all these years.
10. I am grateful for my maternal grandmother. She is my only living grandparent and she has taught me more than I could ever share. I pray that she'll live to see all of her great-grandchildren born and witness them grow too.
11. I am grateful for extended family members who have been such a joy to grow up with and to make so many memories with over the years. I will always cherish those memories.
12. I am grateful for amazing friends. I don't know how I was blessed with such wonderful people in my life, but I try to show them how much they mean to me and how much I appreciate their influences in my life. They will never fully understand the positive impact they've made on me.
13. I am grateful for television because that is my hobby...I watch entirely too many tv shows.
14. I am grateful for technology because my phone helps me communicate with family all across the globe via phone, text, e-mails and social networks. Lack of Communication is the root of all problems!!
15. I am grateful for motor vehicles that get me from point A to point B. I couldn't imagine trekking across the plains like pioneers of old. More power to them!
16. I am grateful for modern medicine. I don't get sick very often and I hate poppin' pills, but I am grateful that when and if I am ill, I can easily run to the pharmacy or doctor's to get checked and obtain the necessary meds to help me recover quickly.
17. I am grateful for food. I don't like a variety of food, but the ones I do love I can never get enough of. I am spoiled here in America with easy access to food!
18. I am grateful for music. I am not a great singer, but I have great ears for listening. If there were any talent I could ask for, it'd definitely be singing.
19. I am grateful for sports. I'm not the most coordinated person, but I have a passion for playing and watching volleyball and basketball. I always enjoy supporting my brothers/cousins/nephews who play football. Sports are definitely a great way to stay in shape, socialize and work in a team-environment.
20. I am grateful for airplanes. I love to travel and am not a fan of road trips. Therefore, I am grateful for planes that can get me to my destinations with ease...gotta give thanks to the pilots who fly those planes :)
21. I am grateful for high heels. Those babies aren't always the most comfortable, but they add a few inches and there are plenty of beautiful ones out there that are just too cute to pass up. :)

22. I am grateful for eyeliner and mascara. Those are two items that really help a girl not look so amohe (like you just woke up). haha. I don't like to use too much makeup but I do appreciate eye makeup.

23. I am grateful to live in America, but especially in the great state of Texas. We are some prideful people, but we have good reason to be proud of our state. yeehaw!

24. I am grateful I grew up with both sets of grandparents. The fact that they didn't know how to speak English was such a blessing because I was able to learn Tongan and so much about our culture and customs. The Tongan culture can be a bit overwhelming, but when done correctly, it is such a beautiful thing to witness!

25. I am grateful for educational institutions and opportunities. I am actually a big believer in that a diploma doesn't define a man, but I am also a big believer in the 'Knowledge is Power' concept. So whichever university you choose (home, school or world), learn as much as you can there. You'll be a better person because of it.

26. I am grateful for brave men who attempt to capture my heart. I've met a lot of great guys and
although things haven't always worked out the way I wanted them to, I have learned a lot about myself and what I'm looking for in an eternal companion. If you're out there...I'm waiting! haha

27. I am grateful for massages and spa's. I may be a little rough around the edges but I am a total girly-girl when it comes to getting pampered. I will gladly take a massage/spa day at anytime.

28.I am grateful for the beauty of the Earth. Although I'm not the biggest nature freak, I still appreciate all of Heavenly Father's beautiful creations.

29. I am grateful for challenges and roadblocks because each obstacle is a learning opportunity which pushes me to my limits. I am a determined individual and I don't like when people underestimate or doubt my abilities. I only use it as ammunition to fire through

30. Last, but certainly not least, I am grateful for the Holidays. I understand that these are things we should do daily and not just on a set-apart day, but we're human and we get caught up with the world and our individual lives. I am grateful for great reminders, such as these, they help me evaluate myself and my life.

I have so much to be thankful for and I only pray that I can do a better job of remembering to be thankful for all that I'm blessed with. Happy holidays everyone!