Saturday, October 5, 2013

Blessing From Above

Pakileata Malia Tavo

It's amazing how such a small being can be so captivating. On Wednesday, September 25, 2013, the woman to the right was admitted to Arlington Memorial Hospital just before 9:00 p.m. per doctor's order. Delilah (Vaitai) Tavo was already 5 days overdue and more than ready to hold her precious baby girl.

Doctors and nurses monitored both mommy and baby over night before inducing Delilah early Thursday morning. The contractions came rushing in and the mother-to-be could barely handle the excruciating pain. Hourly updates were pretty slow...1 cm...3 cm...3 cm...3 cm...4 cm...stop. Baby girl was obviously not cooperating and Delilah just couldn't bare the pain. 

Nurses administered the epidural shot at approximately 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 26, 2013 and the effects were almost instantaneous; Delilah was finally able to relax and close her eyes. Nurses continued to monitor both mommy and baby and were concerned with baby girl's heart rate as machines indicated it was dropping below normal levels. It was then determined that a cesarean was required for baby's health and safety.

Shortly after 9:00 p.m. that same evening, doctor's rolled Delilah into the Operating Room with her husband, Leonato Tavo, Jr., by her side. Doctor's prepped Delilah for surgery and at 9:42 p.m., this precious angel was delivered safe and sound - 9 pounds, 1.9 ounces and 20 inches long.

Nurses couldn't believe how wide-eyed and alert she was. Needless to say, homegirl was up all night being surrounding and new people all around. I can already tell she's going to be a smart one!

Leonato's family named this sweet angel, Pakileata Malia Tavo. She is absolutely perfect in every way and immediately had both families wrapped around her tiny little fingers.

I believe time is required to really let all her features settle in, but there's no doubt she is a daddy's girl. She has a lot of his features and they're obviously sleeping twins as you can tell by the picture to the right. haha.

She's only a week old but she sure knows how to be a boss. The picture to the left was one of her 3:30 a.m. feedings...she didn't even cry and yet all of her maternal grandparents were up. Must be nice to be so powerful at a young age.

Everyone warned me that Pakileata would steal my heart instantly and I tried my best to avoid it, but it was obviously an inevitable battle. I am truly amazed with Heavenly Father's perfect creation and I'm glad I get to call her my very own. 

Here are some pictures from her first week of life...I love you Pakileata!